In what different ways do people practice spiritual balance and focus?

28 september - 9 oktober 2020
Taciser Sevinc stelt in haar onderzoek de vraag: welke spirituele en meditatieve praktijken houden kunstenaars erop na tijdens de coronalockdown? Met de van oorsprong Turkse Taciser spreken we in het Engels, vandaar dat haar onderzoek ook in het Engels te lezen is.

In her graduation work in 2018, scenographer and theatre maker Taciser Sevinc used her knowledge of Kendo to initiate the viewer into a new way of looking at the world. For her new research, she asked herself the question: ‘in what other ways do people practice a mindful attitude, especially during the corona crisis?’ To answer this question, she invited a number of people to join her in her studio during her residency for an interview. The different answers will lead to a presentation in which Sevinc will incorporate these different practices into a performative whole.

About Taciser

The  work of Taciser Sevinc came to our attention when she graduated from the Master Choreography at the HKU in 2018. She presented an audio walk in which she changed the world around you simply by making you look at it in a different way. It was a fascinating approach for a scenographer: creating new perspectives without physically intervening in a space. The focus on changing the outlook of the audience through sharing spiritual and mindful practices (from yoga to playing sports to cooking to…) can lead to a variety of outcomes, giving insight into the different ways people organise their thoughts and stay in contact with the world around them.

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